We aim to achieve sustainable growth and resolve social issues by tackling key challenges through business activities that leverage our strengths.

香田 昌司

Backed by our long track record and ability to offer a broad range of solutions, our goal is to become an enterprise creating new industrial value. In the more than a century since our founding in 1916, we have built extensive relationships with a wide variety of customers and suppliers, regardless of industry sectors and business domains. Leveraging this experience, we are familiar with various sectors and excel in proposing optimal product selections.

Refining our new medium-term management plan and aiming for further growth

We have formulated a new medium-term management plan for the group, “ATOM2025,” covering the three fiscal years from FY2023 to FY2025, as we eye further growth.
This plan is positioned within the framework of our corporate philosophy, mission statement, basic sustainability policy, and material issues. By deploying our expertise and technical capabilities to create new value with cutting-edge technologies, we will be aiming to grow our earnings over the medium to long term and continuously enhance our value as an enterprise.
The plan also emphasizes ROE as a performance indicator, and sets out a basic policy of promoting management conscious of consolidated dividend payout ratios, pursuing the resolution of social issues with a view to realizing a sustainable society, and proactively disclosing information. And to achieve the goals of the new plan, we will be executing priority measures in terms of both business strategies and management foundation reinforcement.

Implementing business models that incorporate cutting-edge technology

With the population aging and birthrate declining at an accelerating pace, our corporate group is committed to offering labor-saving and streamlining solutions. To this end, we aim to establish business models that incorporate cutting-edge technology so that we can offer products suited to rapidly changing manufacturing environments and SDGs-related products that address environmental and social issues.
Specifically, we are expanding offerings of next-generation products incorporating cutting-edge technologies. These include systems augmented by advanced devices employing technologies such as AI and IoT, as well as AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) including cobots (collaborative robots) equipped with the latest image processor. We will be further honing our coordination capabilities by strengthening cooperation with suppliers and promoting collaboration between suppliers and our technical departments, thereby pursuing higher value and differentiation in our product lineup.

Masashi Koda President & COO May 2024

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